Monday, February 9, 2009

things we shouldent do

Well I have not posted in a while. Over the weekend me and Dada found out that there are things that we just should not do, like cut our sons hair (see photos above.) Dada just trimmed it out of his eyes a few days before, But it bothered his ears so I asked him to trim by his ears. Didn't say how or where just by his ears. So Dada did and threw all the crying and owwies it finally was crooked. Somehow Dada ended up cutting around bugs whole head. Well our bug man's hair is still crooked in some spots, he has a bowl cut and Dada and me joked about not going anywhere for a few weeks. Now I don't see why Dada just doesn't buzz it all off (at lest then it will be even and grow back normal.) Even with mommy and Dada worried about our bowl headed baby he still looks uber handsome and can still be happy and smile threw anything.

Things we should do:
Dada made the deans list. He was mad because he wanted to make the president's list. But we are still glad he made the deans. With taking 7 classes and having to do more class studying/assignments/classes themselves at home. Deans list is good.
So congrats to Dada. YAY!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

ok mabye i cant

Well I guess going vegi just aint my thing. I tried for a few days. Then I got to thinking (thank you zen habits) about real food. It lives, it rots, it welts, it doesn't have a shelf life, it dies. Hmm was it around 1000 years ago? The all vegi thing aint for me, or my family.So I'm sorry chicken and cow but im going to eat you, maybe not as much because I find you very disgusting. But I'm not going to stop. Sorry to all the vegans and vegetarians but I do thing food lives and dies. Good thing to debate about would be about this: a cow lives and breaths, and you don't want to eat it because of that, but wait: a plant dose all the same thing its grows, lives, eats, and dies just like a cow: so what is the difference? Hmm check out zen habits article here. Tell me what you think about the way we eat( even about all the pre packaged quick foods.) Or you can tell me how crazy I sound. What ever one fits your ump for the day.

Monday, February 2, 2009

my book list

Rescue from Domestic Perfection Book- by Dan Ho

Rescue from House Gorgeous- also by Dan HoZen to done (its a e-book from zen habits)

The skinny bitch by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin
The skinny bitch in the kitch also by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin

The organized life: secrets of an expert organizer by Stephanie Denton

the narutally green home by Karyn Siegel-Maier

green clean by Linda Mason Hunter, Mikki Halpin

the home organizing workbook by Meryl Starr, Wendi Nordeck

real simple cleaning by Kathleen Squires

Real Food: what to eat and why by Nina Planck

Real Fast Food by Nigel Slater

Put your life on a diet by Gregory Paul Johnson

Put Your house on a diet by Ed Morrow

Organizing Plain and simple by Donna Smallin

living small by Dennis Fukai

living homes by Suzi Moore McGregor

Their is more but I'll be adding them latter, as I find them.