Tuesday, June 23, 2009

So Far So Good!

Well I decided a few times(many more then a hand-full or 3) to quit smoking. Never worked,except for when I was pregnant. So now about 3 years after the birth of my son, another 3 years of smoking has went by until now. About 3 weeks ago I decided it was finally time,no one pushing me into it or telling me its bad,except my son, who I taught to tell me it is bad,no one getting' on me about anything about to quit or not. Ive only had a craving maybe 5 times in the last 3 weeks, I think that is good, those cravings where in the first week,except for today I had one. I guess that's why I'm typing this. We finally went out to the most stressful place here in town - walmart - yup dredded walmart. Going in,being in was fine, being other places out of the comfort of our appartment has also been fine, But comeing out of wally-world seemed to stress me out and I craved-for about 38 seconds, till i saw this older women with a smoke in her hand, smoke comeing out of her mouth and I thought Lord, help her quit too. I dont want to smoke and I dont want my son to be around it or my non-smokeing fam and friends So yes I am stopping and yes I have stoped for the last 3 weeks. So please pray for me and those you know who do smoke. I am done with it and so is my hubby(hes been fine hes been wanting to quit for about a year now.)

So thats my So Far So good for now. I hope this is for good...

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

Great post! Thanks for sharing your feelings... It sounds hard. But you know you're doing the right thing. Sometimes the right thing is the harder thing... Good for the little guy keeping you on track!