Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hey look bug! What is that?

That is what we where saying to Bug this morning when he woke-up. Snow we whispered to him. SNOW! he said back. We got about 4-5" of snow last night and now tonight its starting to ice over.
Yes we did take Bug out to play with the snow. We took his toy box lid and used it as a sled(didn't have a trash can lid.) But he liked it,sorta. He thought the snow was "eww, yuck". But he did slide down the hill a few times make a snow -baby and threw a snowball at mommy. After about 15 minutes we went back in to warm up. He is fighting off a cold,but with 2 layers of clothing we and his first "real snow" we had to take him out for a few minutes. His cold is getting better, compared to Friday. Hes just left with a snotty nose and a cough. Dada took the car out in the little bit of snow we got to pick up bug some more med. He said people don't know how to drive in the snow. HAHAHAHA its only 4" theres not that much snow.

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